Learning Challenge: Learn about sleep

The article I read is: 10 proven ways you can improve on your sleep

The one thing this article confirmed is that I have a really unhealthy sleep schedule and it's definitely something I need to work on to become healthier overall. I definitely have a poor sleep schedule so a lot of these tips are definitely helpful.

Something new I learned is the 90 minute rule. The article advises tracking back in roughly 90-minute slots from when you want to wake and aim to get sleep by that time. I never really thought of this and it is something I think a lot of people would benefit from.

I will try to consider and try these tips as much as possible as I know that it will help me in the long run, especially with college. I think the majority of us students have a terrible sleep schedule and we could all benefit from changing it as much as possible. Especially since over the summer I worked mostly late in the evening so I would stay up all night.

Overall I found this article very helpful and I look forward to learning more and trying to take these tips into consideration!

"Sleep Reminder" - Flickr
