Week 9 Progress

Looking Back: 
Looking back on my blogs I can definitely say that I am happy so far with how they have been going overall as I can see how much I have progressed over time. I don't really have a great routine at times though unfortunately. There is a variety of work that needs to be done so at times it's difficult to plan how to go about things and to make them easier. The class assignments that I enjoy the most are probably just moving on with our project and seeing our progress. I have been doing pretty well with trying to do some extra credit options each week just to take my mind off of writing sometimes.

Looking Forward: 
For the second half of the semester I would like to continue making sure that I either stay ahead or with each module as much as possible so that I don't fall behind in anything. I would like to try schedule more even though it is difficult and try find ways to have things planned out a little better.
I want to do even better with Unity and try maybe put some extra effort into understanding certain things about Unity that I wasn't understanding before.

"Looking Forward" - thriveglobal


  1. Well a good day to you Dylan

    Well I am glad that you are on the right track to a clearer process and that you are proud of all the stuff and the progress that you have made thus far on your journey through the intricate and fascinating world of Game Design. I can understand ya with the ideals of trying to be more organised with a schedule as you could have it all planned and then something comes out of nowhere and messes that all up whether it is a job or life in general it can be a very intricate thing that can happen and it feels frustrating but as long as you have made some effort in the process you will be okay and I have seen it from your other blogs and your project progress and it is very good. Keep up the great work.


  2. Hey Dylan,

    I can relate so much to you when you say that you don't really have a great routine. It can be hard to balance everything sometimes, but you seem to be doing very well regardless.

    I would also like to learn and understand unity better (I think the majority of us could do with it!) .

    Great blog you have there and keep up the good work!

    Slán go fóill,


  3. Hey Dylan,

    I think you've done really well with the blogs and keeping up to date with your schedule. Getting ahead can be a double edged sword sometimes - you relax for one minute and you somehow manage to be behind. I have a feeling that you'll be able to get ahead again in no time.

    - Ultan


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