Technology Tools

Getting familiar with a variety of technology tools and websites will be extremely helpful as Creative Digital Media Students. It's great that we're exploring different alternatives this semester. There will definitely be some type of benefit for everyone depending on what tool or website they may use in the future. These are all free tools too so that makes it easier for all students to learn as much as they can with no worries.

I'm familiar with the majority of tools listed by name but there's a couple I have never used including Padlet, Automotivator and Unity3D. These are all very useful for different reasons and from doing some small bits of research on them they all look like they would be great to learn more about. I have tried WordPress before but only the very basics so it will be interesting to see how that works at some stage. I will definitely have to get used to using these websites and making sure to remember them as I go on with blogging throughout the semester/year.

I'm looking forward to testing out all of these different tools and checking out these new websites. I feel like the tools we are going to use are all very different to what we have done from year one to now so we already have so many different tools to work with from only three semesters. It will be really helpful as media will become even more popular in the future.

"Social Media" - Needpix


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