Reading 2

For our process of writing a book, we all have to choose our own chapters and topics that we would like to write about. The chapter I chose to focus on is Storytelling. I have personally always loved games that have huge stories with several twists and turns and I also used to write a lot of my own so I thought I would enjoy researching these specific topics. Here are the two topics I chose (which I may re-word or alter a little).

"Why put stories in games"

"What makes a story-driven game"

For my first topic, I began searching the internet for this exact question and of course I found a huge amount of helpful articles or just information in general that highlights the importance of stories in games and even some articles disagreeing which could help me look even further into the arguments for each side. I started from scratch and looked up "What is a story". This lead me on to some interesting descriptions of stories and for an example of something I found, here is a link to a website that goes on to explain the best way to go about telling a story. I found this helpful as I think it's best to make sure I understand the root of my topic so I can explore it in the right way.

For my second topic, I began looking online for the answer to this question. I found so many different articles that will help me as I go on with my research. Once again, I felt it was necessary to go straight to the basics of the subject and ask "What is a storytelling game" so I fully understood the topic I was exploring. I feel like for this particular topic, it will be interesting to talk about what things can enhance the story and make it either more personal or generally just make the user care about what they are doing. I would maybe even like to use some games as examples like "The Witcher" or "The Last of Us" that are well known for their amazing stories and talk about what it was that made these so popular.

I'm looking forward to more research about these topics!


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